Buildrfire Protection

Fire Protection Experts

Fire Protection

Our fire protection team provide expert services which include planning and installation of passive fire protection in both new and existing buildings. We are fully accredited experts in fire protection barriers, service penetrations, cementitious spray, cavity barriers, steel enhancement and intumescent paints, mastics & seals.
Through our partners we can consult and arrange your desired outcome.


BuildR will consult from the project planning stage to advise on fire safety. From providing building surveys, identifying areas for improvement and drawing up an action plan for the installation of fire protection and acoustic solutions we will help you ensure the top standards in fire safety are met.
We help to identify the best options to meet your needs and budget.


Our consultants provide fire inspections for all types of buildings to identify any fire protection issues. This includes examining all areas of the building and providing in an depth report and providing guidance relating to fire barriers, fire walls, structural steel and fire doors.


We provide various types of acoustic barriers for both existing buildings and soundproofing new construction projects. Our team provide soundproofing services using our acoustic slabs and fire protection barriers.

We are IFC third party and ASFP members

Construction Industry Partners

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Half-day Property survey

Half-Day Fire-Protection Survey with Bolster Report